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Why You Should Pursue Learning Origami?


Origami is stimulating mental development and is an enriching and fun way too. Have you ever wanted to learn how to make origami figures but never found time to do so? As a matter of fact, there are countless of benefits that you can reap by learning how to do origami and you are going to enjoy all these as soon as you start learning the craft. Why you think that Japanese schoolchildren are being taught of this art of paper folding while they are at a very young age? Well of course, to develop new skills or to even enhance the existing ones to boot.


In the next paragraphs, I have disclosed the three good reasons that may convince you to start learning origami crane art today.


Reason number 1. Developing and Improving Motor Skills


As for patients who have had sustained grave hand injuries or those who have had hand surgery, learning the skill of paper folding can actually be a great and entertaining therapy as well. Since they are making their hands exercise, they will find themselves eventually regaining better control of the movements of their hands. Not only that they are gradually strengthening their hand muscles while building their strength at the same time.


In case of young children on the other hand, paper folding is a nice way of developing motor skills. Aside from that, it is enhancing hand and eye coordination in a manner that it is developing their figurative and imaginative thinking. Learn more at http://www.ehow.comhow_4744423_make-origami-nurses-cap.html.


Reason number 2. Simplifying Mathematical Concepts


We have all been through learning mathematics and we all know how hard it is to learn. Well what more for our kids who just cannot be bothered to listen to discussions which involve sequencing, geometry and problem solving. But when making origami shapes, it is a wonderful way of teaching math concepts similar to measurements, fractions and symmetry. It is interesting, fun and it does not feel like young kids are at a classroom environment at all.


Reason number 3. Developing Patience


Let's face the fact that origami isn't for the impatient people. Doing nothing but to fold, fold and fold a paper may drive a person impatient mad. Tossing in repetitive steps and continuous efforts that might be needed to achieve the right shape and you have an activity that will surely test your patience. On the other hand, being able to learn paper origami pays off since you are working on your paper, you get to learn how to be more patient which you can apply in everyday life.

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